Blog Posts About Software Development

Mastering Mocking in Vitest: Beyond
Master Vitest mocking! Learn advanced techniques beyond vi.mock() for robust, reliable JavaScript/TypeScript tests. SpyOn, vi.fn, and more!
#Testing#JavaScript#Software Development#Quality#Software Engineeering
First published on Medium 5 days ago.

Mastering Time: Using Fake Timers with Vitest
Level Up Your Timers Tests With Speed and Isolation
#JavaScript#Software Development#Testing#Quality
First published on Medium 9 months ago.

JavaScript Spread and Rest Operators: When To, Why To, and How to Use Them
Understand two of the most useful JavaScript features
#JavaScript#Software Development#Software Engineeering#Web Development#Programming
First published on Medium 3 years ago.

La vitesse facteur du classement Google
Les utilisateurs du web veulent de la rapidité. Google a décidé de prendre en compte la vitesse comme facteur de référencement.
#Performance#Webperf#Software Development#Software Engineeering
First published on Blog 15 years ago.